overall face rejuvenation

overall face rejuvenation 

I love my skin treatment

We use ultrasonic waves with a high-frequency of 1 MHz for transdermal drug delivery, is intended to help substances, such as vitamins and medications, penetrate the skin more effectively and rapidly compared to traditional topical applications.

This method can help achieve clear and radiant skin by delivering vitamins and nutrients directly to the skin, promoting hydration and collagen regeneration. The ultrasonic waves stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow, aiding in the nourishment of skin cells and the removal of waste products, resulting in softer, smoother, and rejuvenated skin.

The number of sessions required to see noticeable results can vary from person to person, but improvement may be observed after the first treatment. To achieve optimal results, it is often recommended to undergo several consecutive sessions.

During the procedure, individuals typically experience a gentle, warming sensation on the skin. The intensity of this sensation can vary depending on the energy settings, and some people may not feel it at all.

This treatment can typically be done once or twice a week. It is a gentle, non-invasive procedure with minimal side effects, such as temporary redness that usually disappears within about 15 minutes. It is considered safe and effective for skin rejuvenation and addressing issues like acne and uneven skin tone.

It’s advisable to consult with a qualified practitioner who can tailor the treatment to your specific needs and provide guidance on the frequency and duration of sessions.

Theres also a special masking step for this treatment to help with overall skin rejuvenation process. 

Lunar lifting and glowing skin signature treatment

Lunar Lifting Glowing” appears to be a cosmetic procedure using infusion technology that is based on electroporation principles. This technique aims to stimulate proteins in the skin, creating temporary microchannels that allow for the direct delivery of various substances, vitamins, and minerals to the skin. This process is facilitated by IonwaveTM technology, enabling improved absorption without causing harm to the skin.

The benefits of the infusion procedure include its safety, high effectiveness, immediate results, non-invasiveness (no needles required), no downtime, cleanliness, and medical testing for proven results. The infusion procedure can target various issues, including reducing wrinkles, regenerating collagen, rehydrating the skin, firming the skin, sculpting the body, and reducing cellulite.

The procedure is generally safe and should not cause severe side effects. It may cause minor discomfort or a slight tingling sensation during the process.

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to undergo 6-8 consecutive sessions of the infusion procedure.

Hokkaido facial massage

Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage is a high-level facial massage technique aimed at relaxing and tightening the facial skin. It incorporates a blend of European Facial Lifting Techniques and effective skin-nourishing lotions produced using Elastosome technology. This massage is designed to lift and rejuvenate the face, leaving you with improved skin texture and a youthful appearance immediately after the treatment.

Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage is suitable for individuals who:

  • Seek to rejuvenate and maintain healthy skin with radiance.
  • Experience issues like sagging skin or wrinkles.
  • Have dry, rough, or uneven skin texture.
  • Want to enhance skin firmness and facial contours.
  • Face concerns like dark spots and lack of skin radiance.

Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage is a Western-style facial massage technique developed based on internationally recognized standards. It aims to lift and rejuvenate the face, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. It stimulates blood circulation, boosts collagen production, and employs Elastosome technology to deliver deep skin nourishment, enhancing moisture retention. The treatment includes seven beneficial ingredients such as Alpho-Arbutin, Glutathione, Licorice Extract, Kojic Acid, and Vitamin C, which contribute to skin brightness and reducing dark spots. Additionally, Rose Stem cell extract and Pore Minimizer help tighten the skin, rejuvenate it, and reduce the appearance of imperfections.

More benefits of Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage:

  • Improves blood circulation, oxygen supply, and nutrient delivery to promote healthier, radiant skin.
  • Relaxes facial muscles, head, and neck, enhancing skin firmness and smoothness.
  • Aids in skin cell turnover and renewal, diminishing blemishes and promoting an even skin tone.

During the Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage, recipients typically experience relaxation through five main steps:

  • Deep Cleaning: Thoroughly cleanses the face and neck.
  • Relaxing Massage: Gently massages the face with natural extracts, promoting cell rejuvenation.
  • Lifting & Drainage: Lifts and tightens the face, drains lymph nodes, and stimulates waste removal.
  • Facial Moisturizing: Applies nourishing creams and massages to improve their absorption.
  • Head Neck & Shoulder Massage: Massages the head, neck, and shoulders to reduce accumulated stress.

The results of Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage may include:

  •  Firmer and tightened facial skin.
  • Brighter and more radiant complexion with a youthful appearance.
  • Sharpened facial contours and a V-shaped face.
  • It is recommended to combine this massage with other treatments like laser therapy for more pronounced and long-lasting results.

Precautions for receiving Hokkaido Facial Rejuvenation Massage:

  • Individuals with widespread acne or highly sensitive skin should avoid the treatment.
  • People who have recently had Botox, fillers, or mesotherapy can receive the massage after waiting for the recommended duration.
  • Those who have undergone laser treatment can typically receive the massage after 7-10 days.

Remember to consult with a qualified practitioner for personalized advice and the best approach for your specific skin needs.